Uploading Files With Forms
To upload a file with a form, two things are required.
The attribute enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag to tell the browser what type of data is coming.
A type="file" form field so the form user can specify the file to upload.
Those two steps will only upload the file. However, unless more instructions are present, nothing will be done to it.
With Master Form V4, one or both of two things can be done with the uploaded file.
Destination 1: The file can be sent to you as an attachment in an email.
Assuming the type="file" field has a name="fileone" attribute, this placeholder in the email template will attach the file to the email:
[[fileone UPLOAD]]
The placeholder may have additional attributes to limit file size and file type. The "Email Templates" section of the user manual contains more information:
The email template may also contain placeholders for other form information.
Destination 2: The file can be saved on the server.
A separate page is created with instructions about where to save the uploaded file. The page contains a placeholder similar to the email template placeholder; except this placeholder also specifies the location where the uploaded file is to be saved. As in the placeholder for the email template, this placeholder may have attributes to limit file size and file type.
The "Saving Uploaded Files On The Server" section of the user manual contains more information:
A File Upload Example
The "upload-files" example in the basic form example set contains a working example of a form to upload two files. The example sends both uploaded files as an email attachment and stores both uploaded files on the server. The example set can be downloaded here (128k ZIP file).
Will Bontrager