Sending Buyer's Order To Credit Card Payment Site With Master Form V4
Master Form V4 can be used to process an order form for sending a buyer to a credit card processing website for payment. The credit card processing website can be a merchant payment gateway (like, for example) or a payment service (like, for example).
Make a form (may be a multi-page form) where buyers can order what they want. Ordering can be with checkbox or with a text box where the number of items is typed in.
The [[MATH...]] placeholder will be used to total the order. Therefore, on the form, when using a checkbox to order, the value= contains the amount of the item. And, if a text box is used to indicate the number of items ordered, there is a separate hidden field containing the item amount.
When the form is submitted, a confirmation page is created that lists the items ordered and the totals. During the submission, Master Form V4 may send email notices and update databases just like a normal form submission.
The confirmation page is a template similar to a customized thank-you page. Except this one contains a form with a "Go to payment page" button and hidden fields. The hidden fields contain the information the credit card processing website needs for processing the payment, including the total amount of the purchase. The form's action= attribute is the URL to the credit card procesing website's secure payment page.
The [[MATH...]] placeholder is used to total the items. If the item was ordered with a checkbox, the value of the checkbox field is added in. If the item was ordered by typing in the number of items, the number in that field is multipled by the amount in the respective hidden field. All items are then added together to get a total.
When the buyer has reviewed the order, s/he clicks the "Go to payment page" button. The brower is then sent to to the credit card processing website to arrange payment.
Will Bontrager