Random Number With JavaScript
When you need to generate a random number with JavaScript, the RandomNumber() function can be used.
RandomNumber() expects two values, the minimum number and the maximum number. It returns a random integer within that range. If the minimum is specified as 2 and the maximum as 5, the random number returned with be 2, 3, 4,
The minimum and maximum numbers may be positive or negative numbers. if the minimum is -1 and the maximum is 1, the returned random number will be -1, 0,
The minimum and maximum numbers may be may be integers or decimal numbers. If the minimum is 1.5 and the maximum is 3.5, the returned random number will be 2
If the minimum number is larger than the maximum number, RandomNumber() will swap the values before randomly selecting a number within the range.
Here is the source code of the RandomNumber() function. Code is included for testing the function.
<script type="text/javascript"> // Copyright 2010 Bontrager Connection, LLC // Bontrager Connection, LLC grants you a royalty free license to use or modify this software provided this notice appears on all copies. This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. // The random number function function RandomNumber(min,max) { if(max<min) { var i=max; max=min; min=i; } return Math.round(Math.random()*(max-min)+min); } // Testing the function: 100 throws of a pair of dice. for(var i=1; i<=100; i++) { var die1 = RandomNumber(1,6); var die2 = RandomNumber(1,6); var pair = (die1==die2) ? " <u>pair</u>" : ""; document.write("("+die1+","+die2+") = <b>"+(die1+die2)+"</b>"+pair+"<br>"); } </script>
Copy the above and paste it into the source code of a web page anywhere in the BODY area that JavaScript can run. When the page is loaded into a JavaScript-enabled browser, the testing code will print 100 representations of pseudo-random dice throws.
Below is a live representation of 100 throws of a pair of dice generated with RandomNumber(). Click the
The RandomNumber() function can be used to get a random positive or negative number within a specified minimum and maximum range.
Will Bontrager