Find Highest z-index and Lowest z-index, the z-index Range
To determine the highest CSS z-index and the lowest z-index on the page, the z-index range, use the JavaScript function zIndexRange(). The code is further below.
When your code may end up on a page you do not control, and a certain div must be layered on top, function zIndexRange() can determine the current highest z-index on the page. Use JavaScript to assign a z-index to the div higher than the current one.
Similarly, when a certain div must have the lowest z-index, or must be one layer below the highest, or other z-index position relative to the highest or lowest, use function zIndexRange() to determine the z-index range.
Here is the function code.
<script type="text/javascript"> function zIndexRange() { var highestZ; var lowestZ; var onefound = false; var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); if( ! divs.length ) { return Array(highestZ,lowestZ); } for( var i=0; i<divs.length; i++ ) { if( divs[i].style.position && divs[i].style.zIndex ) { if( ! onefound ) { highestZ = lowestZ = parseInt(divs[i].style.zIndex); onefound = true; } else { var ii = parseInt(divs[i].style.zIndex); if( ii > highestZ ) { highestZ = ii; } if( ii < lowestZ ) { lowestZ = ii; } } } } return Array(highestZ,lowestZ); } </script>
Function zIndexRange() determines the z-index range of all positioned elements on the page.
Because the z-index is effective only with positioned elements, function zIndexRange() ignores all others.
The following function is an example of use:
function PresentRangeWithAlert() { var rangeZ = zIndexRange(); alert("highest: " + rangeZ[0] + "\nlowest: " + rangeZ[1]); }
The function can be launched with a link after the page has finished loading.
<a href="javascript:PresentRangeWithAlert()"> Get z-index range. </a>
Will Bontrager