Personalized Animated Cell Phone Screensavers
Country and pop singer Billy Joe Conor recently had me do the back-end coding for the personalized animated cell phone screensavers he is giving away to his fans.
Here are some of the comments he sent to me during our email exchanges (printed here with permission):
"Will, as you already know, the entire process is working beautifully from beginning to end. It's amazing to see, and you are amazing for being able to give it the life to make it work."
"Please know how truly grateful I am by your generosity and impressed by your expertise."
"Thank you so much! You have no idea how many huge smiles you've put on my face since the beginning of this project."
"Will, that is amazing! I hadn't even imagined the sophistication you're adding to the project."
"No amount of praise could be an exaggeration of your expertise."
"Again thank you so much for your amazing code which works flawlessly. I absolutely love all you've done."
"It's exactly the way I wanted it. I love it, and there I go with the ear to ear smiles again."
Thank you, Billy Joe.
Dear reader, click here for the personalized animated cell phone screensavers.
August 2013 update: Billy Joe Conor is getting a lot of airtime on radio stations in the USA, Japan, and Australia. His debut CD and individual songs are available at Amazon, the iTunes store, and CDbaby (with previews).
Will Bontrager