Making a 'Next' Button
A "next" button at the end of an article or a section can be a convenient way to lead the site visitor to the next page in a sequence.
Here is how to make a button to cause the browser to load the next page:
<form method="get" action=""> <input type="submit" value="NEXT"> </form>
Edit the following:
Replace the URL with the URL of the next page.
Replace NEXT with the text you want on the button.
"Next" Button Designs
The above is a plain form button. CSS can be used to style the button. Or, an image can be used instead of a button.
CSS for the "Next" Button
CSS can be used to style the button. This example makes a button with a yellow background, red text, and a red double border:
<form method="get" action=""> <input style="background-color:yellow; color:red; border:3px double red;" type="submit" value="NEXT"> </form>
Edit the following:
Replace the URL with the URL of the next page.
Replace the style with your preferred button style.
Replace NEXT with the text you want on the button.
"Next" Button Image
An image can be used instead of a button. Example:
<form method="get" action=""> <input type="image" src="/images/myimage.gif" width="90" height="35" border="0"> </form>
Edit the following:
Replace the URL with the URL of the next page.
Replace the /images/myimage.gif image location with the location of your image. Similarly, edit the width, height, and your preference of border size.
Will Bontrager