This radio software expects MP3 sound files to be loaded into the directory where this software is running.
Near the top of this dashboard, immediately under the name of this software, you will see the audio player used for hearing the radio. The player is designed by your browser. If you use more than one kind of browser, you may see differences in the style of the audio player.
The audio player has its own controls. Generally, the browser provides a play/pause button, an indication of how far along the current piece has played and, perhaps, a volume control.
Immediately below the player, you'll see the currently loaded line indicating which MP3 is ready to play. There is either a "play" icon or a "pause" icon. To the right of the icon is the file name of the piece. If you see the "play" icon, it may be tapped to start playing the piece. If you see the "pause" icon, it may be tapped to stop the piece from playing.
Below the currently loaded line (and immediately above these how-to instructions), are two HTML radio button tags — assuming there are at least three MP3 files available. The buttons are "Sequential" and "Random". Sequential is default. Random chooses a random piece from your MP3 playlist below these how-to instructions.
Each MP3 playlist item has either a "play" icon or a "pause" icon at the beginning of the line. To the right of the icon is the MP3 file name of the piece. If you see the "play" icon, it may be tapped to start playing the piece. If you see the "pause" icon, it may be tapped to stop the piece from playing.
Happy listening!
Provided by Will Bontrager Software LLC