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WillMaster > WebSite's Secret

This software is available
only in the
WebSite's Secret Members Area.

Handy Spot Editor

There is a perfect place on your web page, just right for displaying a coupon. Or your latest "find" on Ebay. Or this week's top links. Or today's news stories.

But editing that area is a hassle.

Avoid the hassle of "downloading the web page / finding the spot / making the change / uploading the web page."

The Handy Spot Editor offers you easy editing where you have a 'frequently changing content' area on a web page.

Handy Spot Editor can be implemented JavaScript, PHP, or SSI.

The easy-to-use control panel makes the whole process a snap.

Click here to see the Screen Shots of Handy Spot Editor's Control Panel.

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WebSite's Secret

Developing Websites Is Easier
With WebSite's Secret

Being a site developer is exacting, demanding, and sometimes just tough. Developing one website or a hundred... you need tools.

The WebSite's Secret members area has a lot of tools -

  • generators and online services
  • tutorials
  • ready to download software

And there are no renewal fees. Your membership is permanent!

If you don't find what you need, suggest it to us! We are here to help you.

© 1998-2001 William and Mari Bontrager
© 2001-2011 Bontrager Connection, LLC
© 2011-2025 Will Bontrager Software LLC