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Short URL V3
Short URL and click tracking with one PHP/MySQL software package.
Installed on your domain's server. Dependence on a third-party for the service is gone forever.
Some features were specifically asked for by users. Others were carried over from software we built earlier (Go Short URL Pro, which is being discontinued for Short URL V3).
0. PHP 7.0 ready.
Works with all php.net-supported versions of PHP, 5.6 through 7.0.
1. Track http://, ftp://, and mailto:... URLs.
Unlimited tracking of all three types of URLs. Each with its own alias and optional campaign codes.
Are people clicking on your newsletter ads? Find out.
Which menu item do people click on the most? Find out.
Are people really clicking to your demo page? Find out.
(A mailto: alias URL is an especially elegant way of hiding email addresses from spammers' email harvesting robots.)
2. Create short, trackable URLs one at a time or in bulk.
One or many URLs can be pasted into a textarea box of the control panel. Click a button and all are shortened for you.
There is also a fast paste 'n click method, an easy access to the URL shortening mechanism without going through the control panel.
The fast paste 'n click interface is similar to tinyurl and other URL shortening services. Paste the long URL and click. You get a short URL back.
3. Campaign codes automatically added to database.
Append an underscore (or hyphen) and a campaign code to any alias. When the link with the campaign is clicked, the campaign code is automatically added to the database.
Use the same alias for the same link in different places, each with a unique campaign code.
Web pages.
Web pages on another domain.
Ebook link.
Forum post.
Each campaign code provides its own click statistics and list of traffic sources.
Unlimited campaign codes for every alias.
4. No more 3rd party short URLs.
Links must be reliable. Otherwise, you lose out on all the clicks.
Political unrest is not a good foundation for reliable links. Short URL services http://ow.ly and http://bit.ly are domains registered in Libya. (.ly is the Libya top-level domain.)
Short URL V3 installs on your domain's server.
The domain names of third-party services providing short URLs can be banned in email spammer databases. Emails containing those URLs are likely to be filtered as trash or bulk.
Short URL V3 installs on your domain's server. It is time to stop relying on third-party services. They can disappear at any time without prior notice, whether or not associated with political unrest.
5. Edit alias records.
This is a powerful feature. Consider these easily solved problems:
A PDF with a short URL is widely distributed. The URL it redirects to becomes a 404.
A short URL link in an article published on a website you don't control redirects to an affiliate program that went defunct.
You have a thousand links with a certain URL, some with campaign codes, that redirect to a destination you no longer want to send people to.
In every such case, simply edit the alias record to change the destination URL. Like magic, the links are suddenly good to go.
6. Alias records may be tagged with key words.
Each alias record may be tagged with key words for use in the control panel.
Tags aid in searches for editing.
Tags can be specified for obtaining statistics.
7. Alias record may contain a private comment.
Things you need to remember about the alias can be recorded with the alias itself.
8. Choice of redirect type.
Redirects can be with status code "301 Moved Permanently" or status code "302 Found."
9. Affiliate codes are sticky.
Affiliate codes or other URL parameter information may be appended to alias URLs — just like for regular URLs.
Provide your affiliates with short URLs, with or without campaign codes. Affiliates add their affiliate ID.
When the browser is redirected, the URL parameter information is appended automatically to the destination URL.
Example: http://yourdomain.com/alias?ID=123abc redirects to http://destination.com/sales.php?ID=123abc
10. Statistics by date range and by selected aliases.
Click statistics and traffic sources can be by date range.
Click statistics and traffic sources can also be by selected aliases, selected with key word(s) in alias, tag, traffic source, and/or destination URL.
The statistics page uses bar graphs for visual assimilation.
Link clicks —
Click totals for each alias.
Click totals for each campaign code.
All clicks on the page grand totaled.
[new window link to navigational screenshot] -
Traffic sources —
Each known traffic source is listed. (Unknown traffic sources are marked [unknown]. Some browsers do not provide referrer information. Email link clicks and bookmark arrivals are also unknown.)
Each known traffic source is listed separately for every alias.
Each known traffic source is listed separately for every campaign code.
[new window link to navigational screenshot] -
Check a checkbox to omit your own IP address for more accurate statistics and lists of traffic sources.
11. Export click records.
All click records in the MySQL table can be downloaded as a CSV file. The CSV file can be imported into Excel, OpenOffice.org, and other spreadsheet software.
Click records include:
Date and time of click.
The alias.
The campaign code, if any.
The referring URL (traffic source), if known.
The redirect destination URL.
The browser's IP address.
12. Default redirect destination URL.
A default redirect URL may be specified in case of invalid or missing alias.
If implemented, those who play with your links to see what they can find always end up at your default page. Same with links using an alias previously deleted from the database.
13. Convert all URLs in a text document with a click.
Paste a text document into the control panel.
Check which type of URLs to convert: http://, ftp://, and/or mailto:. Specify tags/key words and private message, if you wish.
Click the button.
The next page contains the text document with the URLs shortened, ready for tracking.
14. Built-in User's Manual
The user's manual is always handy in the control panel. Just a click away whenever you have a question.
Read only the section you are interested in. Or, display the entire manual on one page.
The User's Manual is printable.
How are your affiliate links?
Blatant affiliate links can cause potential buyers to feel resistance and avoid clicking.
Long affiliate links sent in email can wrap and become unclickable.
ClickBank affiliate links are easily hi-jacked.
Use Short URL V3 to reduce lost commissions.
In essence, this is what you get:
Shorten URLs.
Links are to your own website; no "link love" to someone else's domain. Rely on your own server, instead of third-party services you don't control. -
Track which links are clicked on and how often. Track the traffic source of the click. -
Monitor campaigns.
Track individual campaigns with click counts and traffic sources. Campaigns are set up by appending the campaign code to the alias in the link.
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Short URL V3

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