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WillMaster > Products > Software Generator Forms > Discontinued Software

Master Subscriber Pro Generation Form

Sales of Master Subscriber Pro have been discontinued.

Current owners of Master Subscriber Pro may generate a custom copy of the software for the domain you purchased it for by filling in the form fields below.

When you answer the few questions and click the button, the download will begin.

The download is one ZIP file containing your custom copy of Master Subscriber Pro with all necessary files, including documentation.

Program Setup Questions

What is the domain name where the web pages with your forms will be located?
What is the directory location of Perl version 5+ (to be used as the first line of Perl scripts)? 
(Note:If you ask your hosting company, the tech support might or might not include the characters "#!" in front of the location. That's okay, either way works here.)

What is the directory location of sendmail (or qmail) (to be used in Perl CGI scripts)? 
In the remote event that the program should detect an error within itself, it will want to send a notice to you. What email address do you want the program to use for that purpose? 
The program can send you an email with identifying information every time someone uses the form. If you want to receive such emails, type the address here. Otherwise, leave this space blank. 
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