An Aside During Email Exchange
You do an excellent job of communication trust, and helping others.
Automatic Apartment Availability Updates
We recently completed a project to automatically update apartment availability and prices on WordPress pages. When the project was delivered, the client had this to say.
Calm and Confident with Master Form
An installation of Master Form V4 and some professional consultation resulted in a wonderful testimonial.
Barry Winn let us know he is extremely happy with recent custom work.
Custom JavaScript With Satisfaction
Jim Brewer was pleased with the JavaScript project we did for his website and how fast it was delivered. Read what he had to say.
Country singer Billy Joe Conor is happy with the custom JavaScript for the search form on his website - http://www.BillyJoeConor.com/
Doug Couch's Wonderful Statement
Testimonials we publish generally are written within non-testimonial types of email.
John DeGrazia is highly pleased with recent custom work by us.
Information for Publishers of HTML Emails
The recent Testing HTML Emails article was exactly what Judy Vorfeld was looking for.
I don't know how I managed to overlook Short URL for so long.
All is working just fine and hopefully that will solve the problems the sites have been having with forms not working.
More Custom Programming Feedback
Custom programming testimonial.
It now works exactly the way you detailed in your Possibilities article (and with the code you suggested). I am one happy camper!
Personalized Animated Cell Phone Screensavers
Country and pop singer Billy Joe Conor recently had me do the back-end coding for the personalized animated cell phone screensavers he is giving away to his fans.
Testimonial for PHP code adaptation.
A response to the "Is Your Content Interesting?" Possibilities article.
Regarding the Bad Robot Blocking .htaccess Code Generator
Soon after the bad robot blocking code generator was added to the WebSite's Secret membership area, long-time member wrote this to us.
Support So Good It's Actually Talked About
As stated on the home page, Willmaster support is so good it's actually talked about. Occasionally, someone who has received support will let us know they appreciate it. Here's one received yesterday.
Syndicating Content From a WordPress Site to Other Sites
This testimonial is related to a custom project for syndicating The Longevity Times articles (a WordPress installation) to health practitioner websites.
Terri Zwierzynski Recommends Will Bontrager for Custom Programming
Our custom programming clients are special. So we are especially thrilled when we receive an unsolicited testimonial.
Testimonial From Maine Website Designers
I'm not a big fan of membership sites, but for what you offer in Website's Secret, I'm going to renew my membership early next week.
Many of our customers stay with us. Often, we become friends. Occasionally, a paragraph in an email exchange is what amounts to a testimonial.