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Fade-in Image Swap

Image swaps tend to be abrupt. This article describes an implementation where the new image fades in.

A div on the web page is dedicated to showing the image. New images in a swap are faded in within that div.

A swap occurs when the site user taps a thumbnail image or other link that has a special onclick attribute.

The fade-in is done with the CSS transition property.

Because it is CSS-handled, it generally results in a smooth transition.

The transition property can be used in many different ways and situations and for many different implementations. Thus, it could seem complicated. But it doesn't have to be.

In this article, you'll see how simple it can really be. To keep it simple, only the way the CSS transition property is used here is addressed, not the myriad of other ways it can be applied.

A Live Demonstration

Below is a live demonstration for fade-in image swaps. The demonstration images are from the Terra page at the website.


Tap on a thumbnail to swap in the larger image.

The thumbnails can be placed anywhere on the page. And the links don't have to be thumbnails, they can be text or a different image.

The fade-in transition for the demonstration is set to last 1 second. I'll show you how you can make your fade-in transitions faster or slower.

Implementing Fade-in Image Swap

Implementation requires 4 steps.

1. Where and What to Swap

Determine where on your web page the feature will be.

Note the URLs of the images that will be swapped.

Also note the URLs of the thumbnails or other images that will be linked for doing image swaps. (Linked text may be used instead of images.)

2. Image Area

The image area is contained in a div. When an image is swapped, the image area fades in the new image and displays it until another image is swapped.

<div style="position:relative; height:338px;"><!-- Image swap area container. -->

<div id="image-div-1" style="opacity:0; transition:opacity 1s linear; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:450px; height:338px;">
<img id="image-tag-1" src="" style="width:450px; height:338px;" alt="Pic">

<div id="image-div-2" style="opacity:1; transition:opacity 1s linear; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:450px; height:338px;">
<img id="image-tag-2" src="" style="width:450px; height:338px;" alt="Pic">

</div><!-- / Image swap area container. -->

You are likely to want to change a few things — unless you are putting this on a test page as-is to see how it works.

The CSS is inline and it is the minimum required. You may add other CSS. You may also put the CSS into an external style sheet.

The following might be changed:

  1. The div on the very first line begins the container for the image swap area. You'll notice this CSS definition:


    Change 338px; to the height of the images that will occupy the container.

  2. Each of the next two divs contain an image tag. The div tag has an id value and the img tag has an id value. If you change any of these id values, then you will also need to change the JavaScript (see the next step). If you leave the id values as they are, then the JavaScript won't need any customization.

  3. Each of those two div tags that contain an img tag has this CSS declaration:

    transition:opacity 1s linear;

    The 1s part of that declaration tells the browser how much time to take to do the fading in when an image swap is made. The digit "1" in 1s specifies how many and the letter "s" in 1s specifies seconds. So 1s means 1 second.

    To change the fade-in speed, change 1s to your preferred speed. Decimal numbers may be used. ".5s" (no quotes) would specify a ½ second fade-in. "2.5s" (no quotes) would specify 2½ seconds.

    Any fade-in speed change needs to be done in both places.

  4. The src values of the image tags —

    1. The img tag in the first of the two div tags has an empty src value.


      That first image tag is open because no image swap has yet been made. When an image swap is made, the JavaScript will give the new image URL to the src attribute.

    2. The img tag in the second of those two div tags has this src value.

      It is the image that will show within the image area when the page is first loaded. Change that src URL to the URL of your preferred image.

  5. Each of the two div tags that contain an img tag, and also each of the img tags themselves, has this CSS declaration:

    width:450px; height:338px;

    That is the height and width of the images to be swapped in. If your images are a different size, change those declarations accordingly. You'll need to make the same change in 4 places.

  6. Place the image area on your web page where you want the images to be published.

    3. JavaScript

    Here is the JavaScript for the fade-in image swap.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    /* Begin customization area. */
    var ImageDiv1 = "image-div-1";
    var ImageDiv2 = "image-div-2";
    var ImageTag1 = "image-tag-1";
    var ImageTag2 = "image-tag-2";
    /* End of customization area. */
    function ImageSwapThumbnailTapped(src)
        if( document.getElementById(ImageDiv1).style.opacity == 1 )
            document.getElementById(ImageTag2).src = src;
            document.getElementById(ImageDiv1).style.opacity = 0;
            document.getElementById(ImageDiv2).style.opacity = 1;
            document.getElementById(ImageTag1).src = src;
            document.getElementById(ImageDiv1).style.opacity = 1;
            document.getElementById(ImageDiv2).style.opacity = 0;

    If you did not change any of the id values of the div and img tags for the image area (in the previous step), then the JavaScript won't need any customization.

    Otherwise, if any of those have been changed, change the values in the customization section accordingly. The variable names indicate which id value they expect.

    The JavaScript will work from anywhere in the page. Unless there is a different place you prefer for it, the JavaScript may be put at the bottom of the page, immediately above the </body> tag, so the rest of the page can load first.

    4. Thumbnails

    Thumbnails for swapping an image can be anywhere on the page. Generally, they would be next to where the swapped-in image will be in a way that makes it intuitive what the thumbnail is for — but that is not required.

    The thumbnail image can be any image or even plain text.

    Here is the format for the thumbnail/image/text link.

      style="width:100px; height:75px;" 

    In the format, replace:


      Replace the URL with the URL of the full-size image that will be swapped into the image area.


      Replace the URL with the URL of the thumbnail or other image. If you are using linked text instead of an image, replace the entire img tag with the text to be linked.

    3. width:100px; height:75px;

      Replace the dimensions with the dimensions of the thumbnail or other image. (If you are using linked text instead of an image, the dimensions would be removed when the entire img tag is replaced with the text to be linked.)

    You can add as many thumbnails as you wish, each swapping in a different image.

    The thumbnails may be placed anywhere on the page. Placing them near the full-size image area would generally be prudent.


    There isn't much testing to do, just tap on the thumbnail and verify the image gets swapped.

    What you have is a smooth-transition image swap because it is handled with CSS. The JavaScript is used to tell the browser (and the CSS) which image to swap in next.

    (This article first appeared with an issue of the Possibilities newsletter.)

    Will Bontrager

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