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WillMaster Library

Articles and tutorials to help you build, maintain, and automate your website.

Most Recent Articles:

Another Form Spam Prevention Technique

This technique should stop much or most of the form spam you are experiencing, perhaps even all of it.

Star Rating in a Form

A 5-star rating system for forms.

Ways to Use QR Codes

For personal use, QR codes can be read by modern mobile phones and other multimedia devices.

Click to Select

How to enable site users to select the content within text elements (DIV, for example) with one click.

The HTML 'article' Tag

Consider using the article tag. It is likely to be beneficial for your web pages.

Putting the Form URL Into a Form Field

How to insert the URL of the form into a form field, even when the browser's URL history is inaccessible.

Countdown Redirect

A countdown timer can be useful when the site visitor needs to know about the original location before the redirect.

Article Categories

Tutorials and Answers

This is the how-to category. It contains tutorials, step-by-step instructions, and answers to questions.

Generators and Converters

Here is where you'll find the JavaScript and other generators and converters. Many of these generate code for Web 2.0 and other advanced web page features.

Cookies and Browser Interaction

What cookies are and how to do things with them. Redirecting or other events depending on cookies or certain browser features, such as JavaScript being enabled.

Managing Website Forms

All things about forms and things to do with them.

Marketing with Software

Techniques for using software to promote content on your website, establish your identity, initiate conversations, bring your products and services to the attention of those who want them.

Our Software in Action

Ways to use our commercial software to benefit your website.

Security and Blocking

This category is information about server security, protecting your assets, and blocking certain browsers, robots, or IP addresses.

Snooping (Information Retrieval)

How to find out things you need or want to know about browsers, servers, and web pages.

Statistics and Demographics

The availability and use of accurate statistics and demographics are key to good business planning. These articles are about different ways to record and obtain that information.

Web Content Preparation

Some little things can make web page content appear amateur, such as using Word or content directly. These articles address that and also other methods of preparing content.

Web Page and Site Features

Lots of different and new things your web pages can do with or for your site visitor.

Web Page and Site Optimization

These articles address key words, headings, and other methods of optimizing web pages for human visitors and for search engine spiders.

Website Automation

Websites can do lots of things automatically. These are actions done without needing the site visitor to act and also to automate tasks site owners would otherwise do manually.

Website Development and Maintenance

Things you will be glad to know about website development and saving time and frustration with the one thing that can't be gotten away from - website maintenance.

Website Email

Formatting and sending email from the server.

Website Owner Tools

Tools for testing and tools to make site ownership easier.

WordPress Widgets & Other WP Software

Bypass frustrations associated with clashing plugins and plugins that slow page loads.


One- or two-of-a-kind good stuff that doesn't fit into any of the library's other categories.

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© 1998-2001 William and Mari Bontrager
© 2001-2011 Bontrager Connection, LLC
© 2011-2024 Will Bontrager Software LLC