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HTML Character Codes at Your Fingertips

HTML Character Codes are the codes that make those useful symbols that I often can't recall how to make. This article provides a couple "memory-nudgers" so we will have the codes at our fingertips.

An HTML character code example is the © code for the copyright symbol character, which prints as ©. The geek name for such character codes is "HTML entities."

The Dropdown List

The dropdown list does not contain all HTML character codes. Just some of the ones we want handy for ourselves. Give it a try.

Below is the code for the dropdown list. It can be copied and pasted into your personal or any web page. If there are some codes you especially need, add them to the list.

You do have a personal page, right? That would be a web page either on your hard drive or on your server that contains your personal references and tools all handy on one page. It might be your browser home page or accessible with a handy bookmark.

<form name="charform">
<select style="width:150px" name="charlist" onchange="document.charform.charcode.value=document.charform.charlist.options[document.charform.charlist.selectedIndex].value">
<option value=""> </option>
<option value="&amp;copy;">&copy; copyright</option>
<option value="&amp;trade;">&trade; trademark</option>
<option value="&amp;reg;">&reg; registered</option>
<option value=""> </option>
<option value="&amp;bull;">&bull; bullet</option>
<option value="&amp;sect;">&sect; section</option>
<option value="&amp;lt;">&lt; less-than</option>
<option value="&amp;gt;">&gt; greater-than</option>
<option value="&amp;plusmn;">&plusmn; plusminus</option>
<option value=""> </option>
<option value="&amp;laquo;">&laquo; left angle quote</option>
<option value="&amp;raquo;">&raquo; right angle quote</option>
<option value=""> </option>
<option value="&amp;curren;">&curren; currency</option>
<option value="&amp;cent;">&cent; cent</option>
<option value="&amp;pound;">&pound; pound sterling</option>
<option value="&amp;yen;">&yen; yen</option>
<option value=""> </option>
<option value="&amp;frac14;">&frac14; one quarter</option>
<option value="&amp;frac12;">&frac12; one half</option>
<option value="&amp;frac34;">&frac34; three quarters</option>
<option value=""> </option>
<br /><input type="text" name="charcode" style="width:150px; background-color:#FFFF99;" onclick="select()">

Here is a table with the above HTML character codes. If you prefer, this page can be printed and the table cut out and tacked to the wall, visible while you're working.

left angle quote«&laquo;
right angle quote»&raquo;
pound sterling£&pound;
one quarter¼&frac14;
one half½&frac12;
three quarters¾&frac34;

A larger list of HTML character codes has been prepared for a more comprehensive reference. The list has been tested with several browsers running on both Windows and Macintosh computers.

>Click here< to reveal the larger list of HTML character codes (HTML entities).

Will Bontrager

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