Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand Hover Example
Reveal content when mouse hovers over link.
New content appears when the visitor's mouse hovers over a link. Previously existing content flows around to right and below the new content.
Content is removed when mouse ceases to hover over link.
[Mouse over for image]
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Here is the source code:
The DIV tag
<div id="mymug" style=" padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; float: left; display: none;"> <img src="//www.willmaster.com/images/20000710w80105.jpg" width="80" height="105" border="0"> </div>
The link
<span onmouseover="TurnPictureOn('mymug');" onmouseout="TurnPictureOff('mymug');" style="font-weight: bold; color: green;"> [Mouse over for image] </span>
The JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- function TurnPictureOn(tid) { document.getElementById(tid).style.display = ""; } function TurnPictureOff(tid) { document.getElementById(tid).style.display = "none"; } //--></script>
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Hide and Display Content On Demand
Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand: How It Works
Will Bontrager