CGI Articles
50 Things You Can Do With Master Form V4
Download this visual ebook showcasing 50 things you can to with Master Form V4
When you need to see what information is actually received by a script, this will do the job quite nicely. It will accept information that arrives method GET or POST and print whatever it receives in the browser.
Printing the Current Date with Perl CGI
This Perl CGI script will print the current date on a web page. The script can be called using SSI. \
Sending Buyer's Order To Credit Card Payment Site With Master Form V4
Master Form V4 can be used to process an order form for sending a buyer to a credit card processing website for payment. The credit card processing website can be a merchant payment gateway (like, for example) or a payment service (like, for example).
Setting Up Auto-Submission Protection (Without CAPTCHA)
Auto-submission protection is available from Master Form V3 version 4.5 and later.
Using Master Form V4 From Many Domains
A frequently asked question about Master Form V4 is whether or not a separate license must be purchased for each domain it will be used on.
I'll show you how to see the raw POST data submitted with a form.