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Generators and Converters

Attention-Getting Inserts (with Generator)

Inserts (where the text flows around an object) are attention-getting; They can be an ad, a famous quote, a quote pulled from the article itself, a testimonial, or a limited-time offer. And they are easy.

Capitalizing the First Letter of Words

Here, find both PHP code and JavaScript code to capitalize the first letter of a word.

Character-Hex Conversion

This converter decodes URLs and hex-obfuscated text. It also encodes them.

Color Selector for the Color Blind

This HSL color selector is designed for use by the color blind.

Converting Line Endings of Plain Text Files for Specific Operating Systems

Free software to convert plain text line endings to the expected format of popular desktop computer operatingsystems.

Convert Plain Text File Line Endings To Unix/Linux

Convert any plain text file's line endings to that expected by Unix/Linux operating systems. Upload the file. Download it converted and compressed to ZIP.

Convert Plain Text to HTML

The plain text to HTML converter has been created. Use it here or on your site.

Date and Time Formatting

The generator creates program code to custom format date and time with JavaScript, PHP, and Perl code.

Extracting Dates From the Unix Timestamp

The UNIX timestamp can be used to determine the represented time for any time zone on Earth.

Formatting Date and Time

When software is required to publish a date or time, it needs to know the format. Use this generator to construct the format PHP expects for the date() and gmdate() functions.

Generate Tweet and Share Links for Newsletters, Forums, Et Cetera

When you want to post a tweet or share link on a forum or publish it in your newsletters or other places, generate the link with the form on this page.

Generating HTML Entities

A tool to generate HTML entities is handy to have when text needs to be obfuscated.

Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand — Hover Example

Reveal content when mouse hovers over link.

Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand — iFrame Example

An IFRAME is Revealed

Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand — Link Click Example

New content appears when a link is clicked.

Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand — Read More-Less Example

A "[Read More]" link is clicked to reveal new content.

Hide and Reveal Content, On Demand — Reveal Form Example

A button is clicked to reveal a subscription form.

HTML Character Codes at Your Fingertips

HTML Character Codes (HTML Entities) are the codes that make those useful symbols that I often can't recall how to make. An example is the © code for the copyright symbol character, which prints a "c" in a circle. This article puts the codes at our fingertips.

HTML Video Tag Generator

An easy-to-use video tag generator to publish your own without YouTube ads.

Idea Generator, Part I

This is the first of a planned three-part tutorial for making something similar to the Plot Ideas generator.

Idea Generator, Part II

This is the second of a planned three-part tutorial for making something similar to the Plot Ideas generator.

Idea Generator, Part III

The software fills in each blanks of a sentence with a pseudo-random selection from a list of replacements. The list of replacements can be specified by the person viewing the web page.

PDF to Text Conversion

If you can use a PDF to text converter and your website is on a Linux machine, this one should do you well.

PHP-generated Hatch Diamonds for Fun

Generate a wide variety of hatch diamond shapes with this PHP script.

Pie Chart Generator

Use the Pie Chart Code Generator to generate pie chart code for using Google's chart API.

Pie Chart Maker

When you need a quick pie chart, or several, the web page-based Pie Chart Maker can be used in lieu of firing up your drawing software.

Pinterest Link Generator

Here's a quick and easy to use Pinterest link generator. Also instructions for constructing the link manually.

Quick HTML Code for Common Accented Letters

This tool accepts letters that occasionally are accented when writing with the English language. It presents the HTML code and the accented versions of the letter. The tool is designed to be easy and quick.

Random Characters with JavaScript

Random order numbers, passwords, and financial transaction ID's can all benefit from random character generation. And other things requiring random characters.

Resurgence of mailto: Links (and Spam Prevention)

First they were popular, then they waned, and now they're back -- mailto: links.

RGB/HEX Color Code Converter

Whenever you need to convert a HEX color number to RGB color numbers, or vice versa, this handy tool can do the job.

Simple 2-Column Flex Code Generator

This generator is intended to provide copy-and-paste code for use where 2 flex columns are desired.

Twitter Card Meta Tags Generator

Here's a code generator to publish your own images on your Twitter feed.

URL Encoding and Decoding Script

Here is a handy script (use here or install on your server) to encode and decode URLs.

All information in WillMaster Library articles is presented AS-IS.

We only suggest and recommend what we believe is of value. As remuneration for the time and research involved to provide quality links, we generally use affiliate links when we can. Whenever we link to something not our own, you should assume they are affiliate links or that we benefit in some way.

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