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Programmer/Site Owner JV Possibilities

There are a number of website owner and programmer joint venture possibilities. I'll describe one here and allude to others.

First, an example of what can happen. Then, JV considerations.

A recent conversation with Eldon Sarte of yielded a useful Amazon Royalties Estimator suitable for websites that review books, attract authors, or are maintained by authors. Here's a live implementation.

See the links to both "Wordpreneur" and "Will Bontrager Software LLC" at the bottom of the calculator? It's a key factor of a joint venture, as it benefits both parties.

More JV considerations further below.

As proof that the calculator has appeal, popular indie author, Joe Konrath — the third most popular indie author of all time, I believe — already has it in the sidebar of his A Newbie's Guide to Publishing blog — put there within two days of the calculator's release. (He passed the one million ebooks sold mark over 12 years ago.)

Let me take a moment to make a recommendation: If you have a fleeting thought that keeps coming back, or a persistent desire, related to publishing a book, Eldon Sarte's Wordpreneur is a must follow. Eldon has over 20 years experience in the publishing industry and his site reflects that. From writing and publishing tips to promotion ideas, you'll learn a lot from his posts.

Programmer/Site Owner JV Considerations

The primary requirement for a successful JV is that both parties must benefit. Not maybe benefit or benefit sometime in the future, but benefit now.

As an example, the JV might be a programming discount in exchange for a widely distributed link. The site owner would benefit from the discount and the programmer from the link.

The idea can work especially well with widgets and calculators distributed to websites, as the Amazon Royalties Estimator is. (Click the link to put the calculator on your website.)

There may be a future payment agreement if distribution doesn't become as wide as anticipated or other performance stipulations. It depends on the project and the desired benefits.

Other types of JV projects (other than distributed widgets) to consider:

  • A partnership where one does the programming and the other the promotion and both have a similar amount of experience and skill in their professions.

  • Programming for a non-profit that brings valued goodwill. The non-profit gets the software and the programmer gets the goodwill.

  • Discounts on programming in exchange for new programming clients the site owner provides.

Not all programmers are responsive to JV suggestions. Some JV projects may appeal to some programmers and not to others.

Programmers might also approach site owners to suggest a joint venture.

For more programmer/site owner JV possibilities, suggestions, and practical information, download the Joint Venture with the Programmer for Software Discounts PDF.

If both the site owner and the programmer stand to benefit quite nicely, a joint venture may be negotiated.

Will Bontrager

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