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Website Owner Tools

4 Ways To Use Local Syndication
(the WordPress Plugin)

The Local Syndication WordPress plugin has lots of functionality, all having to do with publishing content into posts or pages that is obtained from a URL.

Accurate Redirects Tester

Test your web page redirects without influence from browser cache.

Automatic Image and Thumbnail Display

Software to automatically generate thumbnail images and publish them on a web page.

Browser Directives for PDF Display or Download

Find out how to tell the browser whether a PDF file being downloaded is for display in the browser window or for saving as a file.


When you want to publish a one-month calendar, the Basic Calendar software further can do it for you.

Compress a File

Software to compress a file on your server and, optionally delete the original file.

Cookie Dump Tool

The Cookie Dump software will be a handy tool for most of you site developers reading this article.

Cron Command Generator for PHP Scripts

Run the PHP script and get a copy-and-paste command for cron.

CSS Shadow Code Generator

When you want a shadow for your content div or your photo, use the online generator embedded in this article.

CSV Into HTML Table

The PHP script puts the CSV file into an HTML table. Specify the location of the CSV file and click the button.

Currency Formatting

Some numbers need conversion to the proper currency format. Examples are totals from adding item prices and calculated sales tax, numbers from a database, and numbers provided in a form.

Custom Device Display Emulators

As many independent screen emulators as you want on one web page. Handy for site developers.

Determine When a File Was Last Updated With PHP

The PHP filemtime() function can be used to determine when a file was last updated.

Easy-Install Auto-Save Notepad

The notepad automatically saves your changes. Notes can be formatted.

Easy Web Page Section Update

If you are a website developer, you are likely to have run into situations where you wish your client could easily update a specific thing on their website.

Follow-Redirects Utility

Use the Follow-Redirects Utility to see where a URL would have taken your browser.

Form Submission Relay
(Submit To Two Places)

This article shows how to relay a form submission. The form is submitted through another script to accomplish a task (like sending an email or updating a database) before the submission is sent to the final destination.

Ignoring Bots

This JavaScript filter lets real browsers through and ignores bots.

Import Text as JavaScript

Import a non-JavaScript text file into a web page using the one-line HTML <script...></script> tag.

Integrated Uploader

A simple-to-install and simple-to-use file uploader.

JSON Into HTML Table

Convert JSON-encoded values into an HTML table. Specify the location of the JSON file and click the button.

Make System Time Human Readable

Software to server operating system timestamps human readable — day of the week, calendar date, and time, all correctly formatted.

Master Pre-Installation Tester

Master Pre-Installation Tester can eliminate a lot of frustration.

MySQL Tables Search

How to search multiple MySQL tables for multiple words/phrases all in one go (and a site-hacked story).

Popup Killer Test

Back in the days things were simpler. Now, with popup killers on so many surfer's machines, JavaScript enabled browsers won't necessarily launch your popups.

Powerhouse JavaScript Function for Show/Hide

Adjust the display property of any number of divs with one call to the Powerhouse Show/Hide function.

Power User of Powerhouse CSS Style Changer

Here is a power user technique for Powerhouse CSS Style Changer

Relative to Absolute URLs Converter

Some web page creators and editors insist on creating relative links to local files like images, CSS, and JavaScript. Which is fine, so long as the page and the files it references all remain in the same relative directories.

Removing Unwanted Files

Depending on the FTP software a person is using, it is possible that there may be a file on the server that the software can not delete.

Running Linux/Unix Commands With PHP

PHP can be used to run Unix and Linux commands on the server.

Run PHP Code in WordPress Posts and Pages

The Insert PHP plugin runs PHP code within individual WordPress posts and pages. Simple to use, too.

Submit Form to Multiple URLs With Ajax

It is possible to submit a form to two or more places with one click.

Submit Form to Multiple URLs With PHP

A form submission to a PHP script can be relayed to another URL. The effect is a submission to two different scripts.

Test MySQL Connection

When you specify MySQL connection credentials for a software setup, and you get it wrong, you have to go back and start all over again. Use the software in this article to test the connection - before specifying the information in the software setup page.

Text to JavaScript Converter

This article provides a one-page text to JavaScript converter. The conversion is done with PHP. The converted JavaScript is for saving to an external file. The code for importing the file is also generated.

The Easy Backup

Zip & Download is the basis for an easy, one-click backup system.

Time Elapsed

This article comes with a no-customization-required PHP script to calculate the time elapsed between two different points.

Timezone Converter

The timezone converter in this article converts a specific time in any timezone to the corresponding time in any other timezone.

Track Affiliate Codes Between Domains

When a site visitor arrives from an affiliate's link, the affiliate code may be carried to your other domains. And back again.

Ways to Use QR Codes

For personal use, QR codes can be read by modern mobile phones and other multimedia devices.

What Is It Really Doing?

When you load a web page, do you watch your browser's address bar? The page may be redirecting to a different page — for benevolent or nefarious reasons.

All information in WillMaster Library articles is presented AS-IS.

We only suggest and recommend what we believe is of value. As remuneration for the time and research involved to provide quality links, we generally use affiliate links when we can. Whenever we link to something not our own, you should assume they are affiliate links or that we benefit in some way.

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