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PHP Articles

3 Ways to Specify a File Location for PHP Scripts

A Good and Strong Password Generator

For dashboard with password requirements that don't provide a generator, or their generator is unsuitable for some reason, this generator may be used.

A Spam-Resistant Feedback Form

A new spam-resistant form is introduced. Free. PHP. Willmaster Quality.

Bypassing Link Cache

A simple trick to bypass link cache.

Carefree Ad Manager

Carefree Ad Manager automatically tests response to your ads and publishes the better ones more often.

Create Directories With PHP

When writing a PHP script that needs to create directories, it's nice to have a function to pop into the script with that functionality. The below MakeDirectoryPath() function does the job.

CSV Download Link

A link may be to a script that sends the CSV to the browser without revealing the CSV file's location.

Day-of-Week With PHP

Use PHP to make certain things happen depending on the day of week a web page is loaded.

Debugging Email Sent With a PHP Script

Debugging email may be the toughest debugging situation ever devised because there are so many things not in your control.

Directories Lister

Directories can have files and/or subdirectories. Subdiretories can also have files and/or subdirectories.

Dumping a MySQL Table

Here is a way to view all the content of a MySQL table, even without access to phpMyAdmin or similar software.

Email Domain Matches Site Domain Check

The PHP function checks the URL specified in a form with the domain specified email address domain.

Formatting CSV

Feed the PHP function an array. Get back a line of CSV-formatted text.

Get Content From File or URL With PHP

Get content from files or URLs using PHP.

How Many Weeks Between Dates?

Calculate the number of weeks between two dates.


Occasionally, it becomes necessary to insert a lot of HTML code in a PHP script. A form, for example.

Including Files Into PHP Web Pages

The ability to include external files into PHP web pages is a useful skill. I'll show you how.

Installing PHP Software

Installing PHP software can be as simple as uploading a file to the server. Then typing its URL into your browser to use the software.

Learning About Your Server's PHP

One of the first things I do when I install software on a new server, or one I haven't been at for a while, is view the PHP information page. It contains everything I need to know about the installation at that server.

Local Syndication WordPress Plugin

Insert the content of any page/file/script output on the Internet into any WordPress post or page.

Master Form .PHP

Master Form .PHP is a PHP/MySQL version of Master Form V4.

PHP Configuration Can Restrict Your Forms

Generally, PHP is configured so regular forms work as expected. But if you have extraordinary needs, you might run into the limitations.

PHP Pre-Installation Tester

With PHP Pre-Installation Tester, you can test your server to see if it meets a PHP script's requirements before you buy/download and try to install it.

PHP Redirect

When a server can not use the .htaccess file or using it is not preferred, a redirect can be written with PHP.

Sending Email With PHP

How easy it is to send email with the PHP mail() function.

SSI within PHP

When SSI content must be included within a PHP web page, and the content can not be retrieved with PHP, this technique can work.

Timezone Designations for PHP Software

These are the timezone designations that PHP recognizes.

Totally Secret Comments in Web Page File

Video: Totally secret comments in a web page file.

Two Download Counter Scripts

Last week's featured article in Possibilities ezine was A File Download Counter. Clicking on a download link launches a web page a to initiate the download.WebSite's Secret members have access to a PHP download counting script that is a direct download, no interim web page.

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