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Tips and Tricks

A Payments Web Page

When you want to sell something on your website, this article provides a general overview.

A Really Neat JavaScript Debugging Tool

My favorite quick and easy JavaScript debugging tool is something you may be using this very minute.

Banned Words

If you use Master Form V4, Master Form .PHP, or other software where you can specify banned words, this short list is likely to block most of their kind.

Blocking Text Field Form Submission

How to block automatic form submission with text field enter click.

Enabling SSI On Non-.shtml Web Pages

SSI can be enabled on .html or .htm web pages without renaming the entire site with .shtml file name extensions.

Every Browser Has Its Own Cookies

Cookies are stored in the browser. Therefore, every browser has its own cookies. When two different browsers visit the same web page, the cookies each has may be different.

Fast Perl Module Documentation

The documentation of every Perl module installed on your server is available on the server. Once set up, it may be faster to get the documentation right from your server than to do a search on the Internet.

Fast URL Shortening With Short URL V2

With Short URL V2, a form like the one in the article can be on any of your web pages. The resulting short URL is of your domain, like

Finding Tutorials

Finding online tutorials is easy with the current popular search engines. Type the name of the subject (quoted if more than one word), then a space and +tutorial

Get IP Address and User-Agent String

Get your Internet connection IP address and your browser's user-agent identification on this page.

Getting Rid Of Default Form Tag Space

When a form tag is used on a web page, it inserts a line break and a blank line by default. Both of those can be disabled with CSS.

.htaccess ErrorDocument 404 Consequences

The ErrorDocument 404 line in the .htaccess file has different consequences depending on whether the destination is specified as URI or URL.

Images Embedded Within HTML Email

If your HTML email absolutely must display an image, the image can be embedded within the email itself. No loading from the internet is then needed.

Inserting Source Code Into WordPress Posts and Pages

There are two ways to get your source code into WordPress posts and pages without it being changed on you.

JavaScript Query String Extraction

When the JavaScript on a web page needs to know about any query string that came with the page request, this one-liner will grab it.

Let Amazon Pay You

Paste in one line of JavaScript to publish the ad for 52 Good-to-Know Techbits.

Making a 'Next' Button

A "next" button or link at the end of an article or a section can be a convenient way to lead the site visitor to the next page in the sequence.

Making Changes To File .htaccess

If this is the first time you have updated an .htaccess file, or if you are updating an .htaccess file with new FTP software or settings, or using a different computer, read this first.

Master Form V4 Forms On Other Domains

Master Form V4 is licensed to be installed on one domain. However, the forms can be published on any domains. Here is a quick way to learn how to make forms for another domain.

Multiple Launches With One Cron Schedule

Run any URL on the internet on a schedule.

Old Articles On Other Websites

This is for those who have been redirected here from articles published on websites we do not control.

Password Protecting Directories with HTTP Authentication

There are many different ways to password protect directories/folders on servers. This post contains links to web pages describing some of those methods.

Personal Portal Page

A personal portal page is a web page with links and information you frequently need access to. If you work on the internet a lot, like I do, a personal portal page is invaluable.

Putting Your Site Icon Into Visitors' Browser Address Bar

A file named favicon.ico in the document root of your server is used by browsers as an icon in their address bar and within bookmarks. The favicon.ico file is a special image file.

QR Codes - 30 Ways To Use Them

QR codes may help your online business. And may enhance your social interaction. QR codes can make offline publications both interactive and mobile. I'll provide some idea stimulators.

Quick Redirect Page

When I install PHP software in it's own directory, I generally also provide an index.php file. Unless it's needed for something else, the index file redirects to the PHP software.

Simple PayPal Buy URL

A URL can be created for use as a one-click link for PayPal purchases. Here is how to do it.

Special Header Tags to Inform Facebook's Spiders

How to implement the most important special header tags to inform Facebook's spiders someone links to your page.

Timed Redirect with JavaScript

Sometimes a person wants a web page to load a different web page after a certain amount of time. Perhaps after a movie or sufficient time to appreciate a splash page.

Timed Redirect with Meta Refresh

Sometimes a person wants a web page to load a different web page after a certain amount of time. Perhaps after a slide show or an audio greeting.

Tip To Product Authors and Publishers Seeking Testimonials

I can not promise in advance to write a tribute qualifying as a testimonial. It's just not something I commit to without knowing the product.

Untrapping a Web Page

It happens sometimes that, for whatever reason, someone will display one of our pages in a frame on their website. Here is a method to un-trap the page and let the true URL show in the visitor's browser.

Using the WordPress Text Widget

WordPress has a handy-dandy widget maker right in the dashboard. Find out how to use it.

When Browser Displays Source Code Instead Of Running Script

If you type the URL of a Perl CGI script and the browser displays the source code of script instead of running the script, this may help.

Where To Put JavaScript Code In The Web Page

The browser runs any JavaScript it encounters while loading the web page, at the time it encounters it.

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